blog — gibbons creative

Project Do Stuf Day 11: Macro Monday

After wrestling with my camera, I abandoned self portrait day and dove into macro photography. All of these photos were shot and processed today.  I hope you enjoy them!  

Tell me your favourites and I'll upload versions to use as wallpaper for your computer.

Go to the photography page to see all of them.

Project Do Stuf Day 10-Jasmine Star

Today I knew my good friends at creativeLIVE were hosting Jasmine Star for a 3 day workshop, so I decided to follow up on a project I thought about a few weeks ago when I was watching her on Youtube... She had this incredible video where she basically rapped a motivational speech for a big crowd.  It was so moving and I knew I had to play around with it.

So for PDS Day 10, I decided to create some music, and edit her vocals to fit into a "song".  It was a lot of fun, and I had the workshop on in the background so it was a little surreal!

Check out creativeLIVE this weekend, Jasmine has done workshops before, and they are SO worth watching, her energy and passion is like no one I've seen before.  She really empowers people with the way she talks!

If you haven't seen creativeLIVE before, check it out now!  They are basically giving information away for free, and then packing that info up for purchase for anyone that wants it down the road.  Again, it's like nothing I've seen before, such a great service they are providing for creative folk like me!


Project Do Stuf Day 9-Music Video

Today was a fun day, editing through the footage I shot 2 days ago for the band "Two or Three".  This is the first draft of the video.  

Andrew Harback was the Director and Writer, Olivia Stephen was the girl in the white dress, and Andrew, Joey and Fraser were the painted dudes. It was tough shooting in the rain, but it gave a great vibe for the video.

Andrew recorded the song in my recording class this last semester, and it's extremely good!

Project Do Stuf Day 8-WWII Vet Interview

Today was an amazing day for PDS.  I got to go to a WWII veteran's home, and film him/ hang out for the day! His name is Boyd Affleck, and he fought for Canada in the last few years of the war.  He shared some incredible stories.  He shared details of a war and a situation that I (we) can not even fathom.  The things this man has been through would definitely bring the strongest of our generation to their knees.  I feel so indebted to these people, and I hope that I can inspire others to remember these guys, especially since there are so few left with us.

I'm very grateful for the time I spent there today, and I may post portions of the interview online, but I will leave that up to Boyd once he sees the footage.  This may just be a Project that only gets seen by his family, but it was a really great experience.

Here is an email that was sent to Boyd from some of his friends in Holland, that were related to those that were protected and set free by Boyd and so many others in the Canadian military:

In Holland they never forget the price that was paid for their freedom:

"We think of you a lot, especially today. Harlingen celebrates and remembers the day we were set free. Carmen is in her last year of the Elementary School and the class went to the cemetery. Very impressive that was, at all ages, though. We think of you with fond memories of your visits, first with your dear, dear wife Ruth and later with your ever so kind daughter Eileen. But when it is April 17, we always think of this young man from Canada, fighting for justice and peace and we are so grateful. So, dear friend from the other side of the ocean: thank you again."

Incredibly powerful words. You are an amazing man Boyd!

Project Do Stuf "Day" 6-Studio Design and Setup

I put this one in quotes, cus it was a special one!

I normally will be taking the weekends off of PDS, but this time around I went the whole weekend for Monday's stuf.  

My best brosef Josh flew me out to Calgary to help set up and design his new studio space at his brand spankin new home!  We had an amazing 3 day weekend setting up his space!  We built 14 panels according to plans I've mashed together off of the internet and used in my own space.  We also made 3 trips to Ikea, home hardware stores, and Starbucks.  The album of the weekend was Gotye "Making Mirrors" an INCREDIBLE album!!


Click to see the pics!!!! 

Project Do Stuf Day 5-Short Film Edit and Music

Today's project was doing music/ sound/ editing for a short film that John Hantke and I shot over Christmas break. 

I'm so glad to get it done, we got some fun shots in there! It was a challenge to get it done in time, but I'm happy with it!

Please pass what I am doing on to your friends, let people know about Project Do Stuf! 

Next week promises to be an exciting one: studio design, music video for Andrew Harback, veteran interview and a recording project!


Project Do Stuf Day 4-Random Photo Shoot

Well, it's nice out.  So I'm heading out with camera and gear, going to drive around and take lots of pictures of... random stuff.  No other guidelines than shooting stuff I've seen for a long time and thought "that would make a sweet picture".  The music playlist today will consist of James Hill on heavy repeat, one of my favorite albums ever.  Do yoself a big ole flavour and check him out!

I'll post some tonight. Have a great day everyone!

Later that day...

So here are the photos.  Go to the gallery to see more.  I had a nice time driving all around Langley and looking for stuf.  I ended up almost exclusively using the Sigma 20mm 1.8 lens on the 5D MKII.  It is a super wide lens on the 5D, and when the lens is wide open it has some really intense vignetting.  Lucky for me I love vignetting.  I also had an ND8 filter on it, so it allowed me to open the lens right up and get effects that you would normally do in Fotoshop.