video posts — blog — gibbons creative

Township of Langley video project

This Summer and Fall my wife and I have been shooting and editing 2 huge projects for the Township of Langley.  

The first project is a "living in Langley" video.  We're shooting at tons of events, and at all of the different communities.  

The other project is a "why do business in Langley" video, and we're shooting interviews at all sorts of different businesses all over the Township.  It's been a great experience so far, and we've made a lot of great connections in our own backyard!

They should be done in a month or so, so stay tuned.

The Duke of Norfolk

Tonight I had the pleasure of shooting video/ recording The Duke of Norfolk.  Turns out the location was in a barn two blocks from my house!  The band is amazing, be sure to check out their music here. I'll be posting the video for this shortly!

If you happen to be in Idaho, they are on their way RIGHT NOW for a show tomorrow night! Go to the Woodriver Cellars at 7:00PM tomorrow, you won't regret it!!

Photography by my dad, Randy.


Shoot with Justin

Justin Carlson took me along to shoot on our matching 5D MKIIIs yesterday, it was a great shoot and dealt with mental health.  I grew up in a house with an Uncle that was schizophrenic, he was so ill that he eventually succumbed to the disease.  Needless to say this topic is very important to me, and it was an honour to see doctors dealing with mental illness in general and the new techniques they are using to help people.  

On a lighter note, Justin usually just gets me along so he can get his lighting setups perfect, and capture rogue images of me when I'm not prepared (no I wasn't texting on the job, I was researching a camera issue!)

Thanks for taking me on the shoot Justin, it really meant a lot to me.  It was tough but wonderful to have one of the most important men in my life, Uncle Doug on my mind and heart throughout the day.

Current Projects

It's been a busy 2 weeks, started the Digital Recording course again, but it's a concentrated 6 week course this time around.  I'm able to do the one on one time with the students for the first time in 5 years and it's been a blast.  

Working on a tune with Shylo right now, it's almost done, I hope to post a sample shortly.

Also working on some pseudo-children's tunes with Anna Vandas, the plan is to make children's music that parents will enjoy listening to!

I also completed a little promotional video for the Dalit Freedom Network, with my daughter as the star for that.

The other project on the go is a short film with the talented writer Rebecca Jane, it's going to be great!

Oh, and I got a 5D MKIII, woot!  It's an incredible cam, thinking of doing a review...

Here's a screen grab 5D MKIII example from the video with my daughter:

Project Do Stuf Day 20: Mirror Dance video!

Friday was technically my last day of Project Do Stuf, though I'll be continuing on over the summer, so stay tuned!

We went to Fort Langley with The Dance Barn's Mirror Dance group, and the danced to Zoe Keating's incredible song Optimist.

Thanks for the opportunity to do this Sandy, I enjoyed every minute of shooting it!

Please pass the link on to your friends and let them know about the services I provide, enjoy!