music posts — blog — gibbons creative

Project Do Stuf Day 19: Wayfaring Stranger

Today was a very long day, but so fun!  Arbi Susi came over this morning and we put down vocals for this tune, I then got Darryl Klassen to come over and play banjo.  I then put the rest of the elements down and mixed it up.  12 hours in total for this one!

Please pass on what I am doing here, my livlihood depends on you you guys telling others about the things I do.  I also hope this is inspiring others to create on their own.  It's so much better than sittin around!

Thanks Arby for your incredible vocals, it was wonderful to meet you!  And Daryl, thanks again for your sweet banjo licks!!


(and be sure to check out Darryl's band JD Miner here)


Project Do Stuf Day 18: Tobi Crawford song

My best pal fo' life, Tobi Crawford came out today to lay down a sweet jazz standard.  We used to do this a lot more back in the day, but she's busy with her amazing card making, and her music teaching at Walnut Grove Secondary.  

She is hands down one of the best musicians I've ever known, and I'm so honoured to be her friend.  She's had such an influence on me over the last 15 years, and I know I wouldn't be where I am without her in my life. You're a great friend Tobi!

We hope you enjoy the tune.

Project Do Stuf Day 14: We Make Stuff Jingle

Today was a lot of fun.  Anna Vandas came over and the two of us wrote and recorded 2 super tiny jingles for We Make Stuff.  We Make Stuff is a big project that Anna's husband David Vandas is heading up that features all sorts of creative artists in all forms of art.  Check them out!

Here is the jingle that we all decided was best.  Anna, Tim Runzer and I will be working on a children's album in the near future, so check back for updates on that project!

Project Do Stuf Day 10-Jasmine Star

Today I knew my good friends at creativeLIVE were hosting Jasmine Star for a 3 day workshop, so I decided to follow up on a project I thought about a few weeks ago when I was watching her on Youtube... She had this incredible video where she basically rapped a motivational speech for a big crowd.  It was so moving and I knew I had to play around with it.

So for PDS Day 10, I decided to create some music, and edit her vocals to fit into a "song".  It was a lot of fun, and I had the workshop on in the background so it was a little surreal!

Check out creativeLIVE this weekend, Jasmine has done workshops before, and they are SO worth watching, her energy and passion is like no one I've seen before.  She really empowers people with the way she talks!

If you haven't seen creativeLIVE before, check it out now!  They are basically giving information away for free, and then packing that info up for purchase for anyone that wants it down the road.  Again, it's like nothing I've seen before, such a great service they are providing for creative folk like me!


Project Do Stuf Day 3-Ambient Tune in Pro Tools

For this day I wrote a sweet little ambient track.  I challenged myself with it to use Pro Tools exclusively.  I've never used PT for a completely Virtual Instrument tune, so it was tough to deal with some of its shortcomings in that department!  It went well though, and I hope you enjoy it!

Feel free to download it, and use it in any non-commercial productions, just give me a link back here if you do! (and let me know)