Project Do Stuf "Day" 6-Studio Design and Setup — gibbons creative

Project Do Stuf "Day" 6-Studio Design and Setup

I put this one in quotes, because it was a special one!

I normally will be taking the weekends off of PDS, but this time around I went the whole weekend for Monday's stuf.  

My best brosef Josh flew me out to Calgary to help set up and design his new studio space at his brand spankin new home!  We had an amazing 3 day weekend setting up his space!  We built 14 panels according to plans I've mashed together off of the internet and used in my own space.  We also made 3 trips to Ikea, home hardware stores, and Starbucks.  The album of the weekend was Gotye "Making Mirrors" an INCREDIBLE album!!


Building the panels:

Laying down the fabric and the AK Board Insulation:

Beautiful Lillian kept us entertained!

Quincy kept us on our toes!!

Painted guitar holders:

New coffee tables and end tables

Hung the LCD TV


The finished product after three hard days of work!


Thanks to both Ann and Josh for being such great hosts and for flying me out, you guys rock!