Isadore Charters Filming — gibbons creative

Isadore Charters Filming


I spent the day shooting Isadore Charters, an incredible artist, at his reservation.  It was an incredible experience to watch him carve his Reconciliation Healing Pole.   

He speaks a little about the suffering he and other First Nations children went through at the Residential Schools that were set up for over 100 years to try to "Canadianize" the First Nations people.  His story is so important to learn about, and I'm so thankful I got to spend a day with him.  

There is currently a team working on a documentary on Isadore, and once it is finished I will be sure to post information on it.

Contact me to get ahold of Isadore, he is currently taking his Healing Pole to schools and churches to speak about who he is and what he has been through.