Songs to run to — gibbons creative

Songs to run to

I have always been an avid runner, and except for long swimming stints, I usually hit the streets/ trails several times a week.  When I'm not running with my running pals, I usually have a playlist going on my iPod.  I've gone through my favorite albums and found songs that are between 150-170 BPM, the ideal tempo to run to, and I thought I would share them.

Running to a beat is much more exciting than just running along with something upbeat but at the wrong tempo.  It almost becomes a dance at this point, and really helps me get into the run.  The changing tempos cause my stride to change every 3 minutes or so, and that seems to prevent repetitive strain from using exactly the same muscles throughout the run.

I highly recommend giving it a try, now that the weather is getting nicer.  So here's the list!

BT is my fave, and a bunch of tunes from his album "This Binary Universe" are perfect, they are 12-14 minutes long, and just a great droning way to run.  I've probably listened to these tunes 1000 times.

-"All that Makes Us Human Continues", "See You On the Other Side", "1.618", "Dynamic Symmetry"

Mutemath is also great- from their album "Mutemath"

-"Picture", "Without It", "Noticed", and "Chaos"

Other random ones:

-"Davyan Cowboy" and "Oscar See Through Red Eye" by Boards of Canada

-"Must be Dreaming" and "Psychobabble" by Frou Frou

-"Have You Got it In You" by Imogen Heap

-"I Feel it All" and "Past in Present" by Feist

-"Nattappet" by Detektivbyran (super fun)

-"Lorelai" by Fleet Foxes

-"Strawberry Swing" and "Lost!" by Coldplay