The Bacchae — gibbons creative

The Bacchae

I had the pleasure of writing a bunch of original pieces for a play being shown at TWU right now, it's called "The Bacchae" and it's an extremely liberal remake of Euripides' ancient Greek play about Dionysus.  

The play was written and directed by Aaron Caleb, and stars Mackenzie West (one of my composition students) as the pop star/ diva/ female Steve Jobs-wannabe named Diona.  It's extremely tongue-in-cheek, but is a riot to behold.  

The students do an amazing job with the roles, every part is handled with flair and excellent comedic timing. Aaron's dialogue is hilarious, and somehow believable despite the surreal circumstances.  The set is fantastic, designed by a TWU student, and the lighting is perfect.

So go see it!  The show runs for 3 more days, each night at 8:00 and one matinee on Saturday as well.

Here is a mock commercial for "The Wand" a device Diona uses to control the masses.  I shot this in my studio, and did the music for it.