I watched the most amazing movie the other day. Really. It's pretty much everything I've wanted to do with film! Anyhow, it might not be for everyone, but I thought it was absolutely brilliant. It's called Mr. Nobody, and it stars Jared Leto, Diane Kruger, and Sarah Polly, and was written and directed by Jaco Van Dormael.
Everything was done so perfectly: the acting was great, the cinematography was great, the music choices were great, and above all the writing was great (with a good helping of cobbled up string theory, it had me at the first mention of dimensions).
I won't say too much about the movie, other than that if you liked Amelie, Run Lola Run, Groundhog Day, Benjamin Button, Big Fish, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Frequency, (you get the idea, basically all my favourite movies) then you will love this one!
Here are some user comments from IMDB to sum it up:
"What have I done to deserve this?" (I agree completely)
"Astonishing and profoundly moving!!" yup
"Why are you not watching it RIGHT NOW?" I concur!
"A Wonderful Film - From Start to Finish"
"An experience of a lifetime" to be taken literally and figuratively
"Shaken & Stirred .... the Explosive Cocktail of Life!"
"Everyone should see this brilliant film"
"Wow. Simply wow"
It's on iTunes, so I highly recommend watching what is now my second favourite movie! (right behind A Christmas Story of course!)